[] DiReCToRY []

Sunday, December 19, 2010

::: CoMPaNY MoNTaGe FoR E.O.P CouRSe :::

I volunteer myself to make the video as another alternative to introduce our "company" during English for Occupational Purpose (EOP) course last semester ..
Memang x tido malam le siapkan .. Tapi berbaloi .. (o_o)


Thursday, December 16, 2010

::: LoVe DoiNG aFTeR eFFeCTS :::

This is my latest work for someone .. Another way to wish a Happy Birthday to your friend & catch his/her attention to your wish ... (^_^)

Credits to Andrew Kramers for his brilliant & easy tutorial ..
Click the image to go to the tutorial video ...


Sunday, December 12, 2010

::: إن شاء الله ... حتلاقى الطريق :::

مد إديك
تلقاه دايما حواليك
هو الله قبلك حاسس بيك

إن شاء الله
حتلاقى الطريق


Thursday, December 2, 2010

::: MGS4 QuoTe :::

"Whoever wins the battle does not end. The loser is set free from the battle, while the winner must remain there. And the survivor will live out his life as the warrior until the day he dies."

- NaKeD SNaKe (BiG BoSS)